Grand joueur de cash, de hu, de mtt, j'ai par souci d'efficacité, cherché avant tout l'anonymat autant que faire se peut et c'est au moment où je suis retiré du monde pokeristique que le journaliste américain Mac X (Je censure son nom à dessein) a décidé de me consacrer une tribune dans la brochure privée "poker network" qui est bien connue aux usa des très gros joueurs.
Il existe en effet des cercles privés extrêmes qui regroupent les très gros poissons, qui comme moi fuient le fiscalisme. J'y ai longtemps pratiqué mon jeu de cartes favori et j'y ai acquis quelques titres. Ce ne sont pas les bracelets qu'on exhibe pour le grand public mais des titres bien plus enviables. Cette fédération inconnue mais très puissante a donc sa brochure.
Je vous donne ici un extrait de l'interview dans le numéro qui a précédé les élections américaines, ames sensibles (de gauche) s'abstenir, merci ...
Mac X : For a lot of people, you are the famous unknown player, could you tell us what is your favorite hand, your favorite sit, your favorite way of playing ?
Moi : i am not someone affective, there is no feelings and no memories for me, you know, that's why i have known such results in the poker, this game of big luck and small skill like i used to say to the retards. So in my point of view, a top player must be able to act as a robot with the intelligence of a man, i explain, a robot to control all the strategy, a man to apply them, do you understand Mac ?
Mac X : yes of course, some poeple say here that your circle has made a lot of pressure against obama during the last few months , is that true ?
Moi : Obama is american, i am french, i cannot speak about this kind of things...
Mac X : yes understand that but almost all the participants of your extrem circle are americans, your citizenship allows you to tell us a little more no ?
Moi : all i can say is that i believe that i think that a great country can stay great if it always put the national interest before the interest of poor poeple, it s the reality of all societies, look in europe, all goes bad because of our bad way of protecting people
Mac X : let's talk about poker, who is the best player in the world ?
Moi : the best player is not helmuth, ivey, hansen, the best player belongs to our extrem circle and private, of course, who has won the more money in the 2000's in poker ?
Mac X : we know it s you mister
Moi : yes and that's why i must stay unknown, imagine if the french ministry of economy know about me, about my milliards, what will happen for me in my communist country , hum ? i dont want to leave my country, you must understand
Mac X : yes of course. Is it true that you give advices to Mister Sarkozy sometimes ?
Moi : i cannot talk about that, of course
Mac X : someone told me that mister Hollande comes to your home to ask you if he must change its politics, you suggerate him to ask mister gallois about and you ask him to insist about the competitivity of french societies, is it true ?
Moi : Honestly, our president is in the good way to change a little its program, but i cannot tell you that i am for something about that. you must know dear Mac how we must stay in the secret in our circle
Mac X : I understand sir. Do you think about wining some bracelets ?
Moi : it s too easy for me to win a bracelet , i prefer to do things more difficult like writting a theory about small buy inn and how to win a fortune by playing against poor players. It s the best to take the money to the poor to give to the rich, i am the anti robin of woods
Je préfère bien sur ne pas mettre l'interview dans son intégralité pour des raisons évidentes
Bonjour chez vous...